group of four people laughing in cornelius nc

Root Canal Therapy in Cornelius, NC

At Prosper Dental Studio in Cornelius, NC, we know how disruptive tooth pain can be to your daily life. That’s why we offer expert root canal therapy to address infections and save your natural teeth. Led by Dr. Armentha Chicas, our practice is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care, combining advanced endodontic procedures with a compassionate, patient-centered approach. Whether you’re experiencing severe discomfort or need emergency dental care, we’re here to help you find relief and restore your smile.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a specialized dental procedure designed to treat infection or damage within the tooth’s pulp—the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When this pulp becomes infected due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures, or a crack in the tooth, it can cause severe pain and lead to more serious dental issues. At Prosper Dental Studio in Cornelius, NC, Dr. Armentha Chicas expertly performs root canal therapy to remove the infected pulp, clean and disinfect the root canals, and seal the tooth to prevent further infection.

two women laughing in cornelius nc

Why Would I Need a Endodontic Care?

You may need a root canal if you are experiencing symptoms such as severe tooth pain, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, swelling around the tooth, or an abscess (a pus-filled pocket at the end of the tooth root). These symptoms often indicate that the pulp inside your tooth is infected or inflamed. Without timely intervention, this infection can spread to surrounding tissues, leading to more significant health issues or the loss of the tooth. At Prosper Dental Studio, we prioritize your oral health by providing effective root canal therapy to alleviate pain and preserve your natural tooth.

How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?

The duration of a root canal procedure at Prosper Dental Studio depends on the complexity of the case. For most patients, the procedure can be completed in a single visit, typically lasting between 60 to 90 minutes. However, in more complex cases where multiple canals are involved or where infection is severe, additional visits may be necessary to ensure thorough cleaning and sealing of the tooth. Dr. Chicas and her team work efficiently, using advanced techniques to minimize discomfort and ensure the best possible outcome for your treatment.

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journey towards impeccable oral health and radiant smiles.

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Do I Need a Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

After a root canal, the treated tooth may become more fragile and prone to fractures due to the removal of the infected or damaged pulp. To protect and strengthen the tooth, a dental crown is often recommended. At Prosper Dental Studio, we offer custom-designed crowns that fit seamlessly with your natural teeth, restoring both the function and appearance of the treated tooth. A crown helps ensure that your tooth remains strong and functional for many years to come.

Pain-Free Smiles Start Here—Schedule Your Appointment!

If you’re experiencing severe tooth pain or suspect you may need a root canal, don’t wait—contact Prosper Dental Studio. We’re here to provide the high-quality dental care you deserve. Schedule your appointment with us and take the first step toward a healthier, pain-free smile in Cornelius, NC.

woman smiling in cornelius nc